Terrible one-liner to make this easier to remember;
for i in $(varnishadm vcl.list | grep cold | awk '{print $4}') ; do varnishadm "vcl.discard $i" ; done
Terrible one-liner to make this easier to remember;
for i in $(varnishadm vcl.list | grep cold | awk '{print $4}') ; do varnishadm "vcl.discard $i" ; done
Are you getting a weird error from varnish that you’re having trouble working out? Is it cryptically saying that there’s an issue with your host definition in your VCL?
Expected ID got ';' (program line 165), at ('input' Line 20 Pos 30) .first_byte_timeout = 120; -----------------------------#
You need to add a time unit to your timeout definitions — ‘s’ for seconds, ‘m’ for minutes. Stupid cryptic error is dumbly cryptic. Grrr.
So, you have a Varnish server running systemd, which is behind a reverse proxy for SSL like nginx, and you can’t work out how to make varnishncsa log IP addresses from a specified header? Well, it’s a bit of a pain in the neck really. You need to override the systemd service file, which is like systemd’s version of the init scripts. Due to it being systemd, this is not just a case of editing a file…
For Debian, you can use the service file below, and paste it into
Once done, you need to reload systemd’s service listing itself;
$ systemctl daemon-reload
Congratulations, you now have varnishncsa logs including the visitor’s real IP address, as specified by Nginx. Change the name in “{X-Forwarded-For}” to change the header name, for example if you want CloudFlare’s view of the client’s IP address, use “CF-Connecting-IP”
[Service] RuntimeDirectory=varnishncsa Type=forking PIDFile=/run/varnishncsa/varnishncsa.pid User=varnishlog Group=varnish ExecStart=/usr/bin/varnishncsa -a -w /var/log/varnish/varnishncsa.log -D -P /run/varnishncsa/varnishncsa.pid -F '%%{X-Forwarded-For}i %%l %%u %%t "%%r" %%s %%b "%%{Referer}i" "%%{User-agent}i"' ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID