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Category Archives: Uncategorized
Daily blog
Just because, I’m gunna try to blog daily again. Obviously, I’m cheating, loading multiple blogs in at once and having them post automagically, but still. Something for every day. Even if it’s something short like this!
Bodies are stupid. Soon, I’m going to have surgery on my foot, because apparently nails sometimes curl and cut into the nailbed. This is pleasant… \s
This remains so cool
Watching all the remixes is so cool. It’s amazing what humans are capable of
Antihistamines, general rambling
Apparently, cetirizine hydrochloride, the root chemical in a lot of common antihistamines has, this year, developed a new side effect for me. Absolute, stunning, crippling exhaustion. So. I’ve yet to try loradatine this year, but now I’m kinda scared. Gunna have to try it on a weekend, when getting crippling exhaustion doesn’t matter. Till then, yay for itchy eyes and running nose.
Annoyingly, I did something neat with Magento the other week, and meant to post about it here. I forget what it was now though :/ When you’re doing an average of 20-30 support tickets a day, these things just vanish from the head. Note to self: Write a draft in the meantime.
Setup a ProjectZomboid server for a friend. It’s running pretty well. One thing that I did run into, it seems it eats system entropy. That’s fine on a hardware server, but commonly on Virtual Machines (like the one I run most things on), entropy starvation is a thing. When that happens, the PZ server takes a very long time to start, as it’s gathering sufficient entropy for something. A quick fix is to install an entropy generator. Currently using “haveged”. Not sure how secure that is; but it’s better than everything requiring secure random numbers choking. Anyone have any preferences for entropy generation on a VM?
Let’s Encrypt!
I signed up for the closed-beta of let’s encrypt earlier, so this blog is now encrypted. So far, so good. I’d quite like to use the SSL certificate it provides in my Jabber server, but I’d need to automate renewal.. and it’s not *quite* there yet.
Let’s Encrypt’ll hit open beta soon. Looks like the only feasible way HTTPs will be supported widespread. Even with domain validated SSLs, ssls cost too much at the moment, and are too much of a hassle.
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Three Mobile Hotspot MITM Attack?
Is three performing a Man In The Middle SSL attack/proxy on my mobile hotspot?
Loading paypal:
Well hello NSA & GCHQ lol.
Funnily enough after searching Google for this issue and then retrying I don’t get some asshat trying to proxy my SSL connection. Or if they are they have a ‘genuine’ root certificate from a valid CA.
After Death (mind-dump thoughts on digital death)
So, here’s something that’s been coming to mind of late, especially with the recent death of Leonard Nimoy.
Our digital lives varnish after our death. Oh, don’t get me wrong, they’ll last a little longer than our deaths — the server this blog is hosted on for example will stay running. However, it won’t get maintained, that’s what I do, so over time it’ll get hacked, or will break. My brother might take over maintaining it for a while, but in the end, the words and thoughts stored here (some hidden from public view) will vanish. is great, it’ll keep a copy of these words for posterity.. but who’ll ever read them?
I’m not sure if I’m morbid at the moment, or it’s just depression talking, but this all feels so.. transient. These words won’t have the lasting power of those stored on a book, in the end they’re stored on media that’ll die a lot faster than a book degrades, stored correctly. Not to mention, they’re stored in a particularly complex format, that isn’t human readable in any way without the right filter and conversions.
I guess, this is really just underlining the importance of and their ilk. Not that I suppose anyone’ll care about what’s stored here.. much as the most read post here is my brother’s posts on linux beep music 😉