So, by the time this gets published, I’ll have had nail surgery. Partial nail avulsion, is the technical term. Part of my nail is getting cut off, then the nail bed killed with a chemical. This is actually the second time I’ve had this done on this particular toe, just the other side’s gone bad this time.

Part of the process involves having local anaesthetic injected into the toe. It is really quite painful, and I’m told makes the toe swell quite impressively as the anaesthetic goes in. I mention this, because I’m terrified of needles and injections. When I’m in the same room as one that I can see, I almost can’t take my eyes off it, it just seems like a thread. Nuts, but there we are.
I’ve told this story a few times, but not to my blog I think. It goes back to when I was in hospital, going to have an appendectomy because my appendix was threatening to go pop. Junior doctor decided it would be a great idea to draw blood, and leave a port type thing in my elbow so that they could push anaesthetic in later at need.
So, in went the needle.. and ow. Very ow. Very very ow. Apparently, I’ve inherited veins that seem to move, and don’t like to be pinned with needles very easily. Eventually, he gave up and pull it out. The needle that’d been very straight going in, was now bent 90 degrees. I don’t know how he did it, but ow ow ow ow.
Refused to let him try again, refused to let a senior doctor try again. In the end they agreed to use anaesthetic cream on my palm, then take the blood they needed from there. Anyway, ever since I’ve been scared of injections and needles. Yay! Surgery’ll be fun 😉