I’ve finally downloaded all the photos I took whilst wanding around london for half a day. The majority are rubbish, but a few are quite interesting.
Let’s start with a couple of street scenes. I’ll hopefully post some more sooner or later 🙂
I’ve finally downloaded all the photos I took whilst wanding around london for half a day. The majority are rubbish, but a few are quite interesting.
Let’s start with a couple of street scenes. I’ll hopefully post some more sooner or later 🙂
I really hate studying from a book. My learning style is much more practial hands on. My mind just does not want to read and make notes on this boring technical book, and I can’t keep myself from getting side tracked.
Case in point, Page 235 of my LPCI 1 text book (awful by the way, don’t get LPIC-1 in depth by Michael Jang, its useless, honestly), I decide to browse through my photo archive after I pulled that shot out yesterday. And this is what I came up with:
Right, mind. Back to shell scripting. (While loops.)
Dad has a water-barrel system setup. The other night, it chucked it down with rain and as luck would have it, both I and my brother were at dad’s flat. Enough water came down that the overflow on the second barrel couldn’t cope, so dumped water out the side.
The perspex panes in the top are to let light through – there is two fish, a couple of mussels, and a few water snails in the green barrel. The fish like eating the mosquitoes who think that the barrel is a brilliant place to keep their larvae ;). Click on the image for the full-size version 🙂
I was at the datacentre last weekend. Managed to take this photo. Silly pigeon was getting stuck inside the bush…
A while back, we had a tonn of snow in the UK. Remember that? Well, whilst the Ubuntu-UK lot are off enjoying the release parties here, I’m stuck at home. So I decided to finally upload at least one of the photos I’ve taken of late. In fact, these the best of the few photos I’ve taken. Somehow, taking photos in London doesn’t seem as fun, or rewarding, as taking them in the middle of nowhere, in Wales.
So, for your pleasure, here they are:
To the Ubuntu-UK Planet folks: This post has nothing to do with Ubuntu! Someone once mentioned that it was nice having photos come up on the planet, so I’ve directed this post there. If you don’t want me to send these posts, mail me. If you don’t get the “Day 15” thing, read this.
As my brother mentioned, today I headed back to London, ready to go to church tomorrow. I decided to take photos of my journey, in the middle of it.
I got to Victoria, and then I need to make my way across London to Paddington Station. Circle Line (My normal method) was closed, so I travelled across on the Victoria and Bakerloo lines. By the time I got to victoria, I was feeling realy rough, and almost ready to throw up. I probably have a bug 🙁
Here begins the photos:
Apparently, we should “Trust our senses”. Almost feels like a war-time poster (one on the right). Anti-terror gone mad. (Remember those classics, “Your country needs YOU!” and “Loose lips sink ships”?)
Water bought at Victoria station, helped me keep my lunch where it belongs, as did:
Well, its an interesting way to keep your lunch, but it works, thankfully. Now I just hope that this bug is defeated by the end of Monday – ready for work on Tuesday!
I did see one interesting advert. Seems Mr Obama (President Elect of the United States of America) is on adverts on trains in London, UK. Strange!
Still, I was very happy when I saw my employer’s logo – journey almost over!
As usual, click on any image to see it in a higher resolution. If you want me to post any on flikr (in full resolution from the camera) let me know.
Yay! I’ve finally finished tinkering with my photos. Unfortunately, because my camera decided to take a number of them in low resolution, I wasn’t able to make them all post worthy, so they’ve been consigned to a digital blackhole. (Some of these are on the borderline…)
I went wandering before I left Wales. This is one of the photos I took then. Click on it to see the flickr page (where you can view a bigger version by clicking “all sizes” and then “Origional”)
The Ubuntu Hardy Release party. Andrew Oakly had this brilliant idea to make name tags for us all. Shame they were a little small… And mine kept falling off. Oh well, still a good idea 🙂
The train, after coming home from the release party. Sorry about the rubbish quality, this was the best of the lot, and my camera for some reason decided to take a number of really low resolution shots. That’s the second time its done that, and I still don’t know why it does it…
Empty street. Again, my camera being stupid. You can, if you look carefully, see the jpeg compression it used to store the image. I’d love to be able to justify buying an SLR!
Constructive critique highly appreciated 🙂