You know, I have tonns of games in my steam library, a bunch on Uplay, Origin I’ve never completed. Yet recently, all I’ve been playing has been a modded minecraft (oh man, did I ever get my money’s worth out of that £10 back in the day), Overwatch and Warframe. Ok well, one of out three being “recent” is better than nothing.

Minecraft, can’t play vanilla anymore. I yearn for a decent jetpack, computer item storage, nuclear reactor, mining lasers, builders wands. Just can’t go back. So much useful stuff. Been playing Agrarian skies II, which is good, just.. did the modpack creator not ever nerf so many useful tools.

Overwatch. Oh overwatch. I mainly play support, mercy healer. When you do well, no-one notices. When you do badly, you get shouted at. Much like life, really
Mainly play competitive, just so I have a better chance to not die because my team runs away and leaves me to die. Just in the last day built a new tactic, telling me team when I’ve a resurrect ready! If they all go in and die on a spot, pushing past the enemy, I can just fly right in and pop, they’re all back up. It’s worked wonders to get us on some heavily contested points.

Warframe. The grind. So much grind. Undending grind. With some really stupid game modes as a garnish on the side. There’s an three-dimensional, in space mode, called Archwing. Most players seem to avoid these modes because are they ever janky. I really wish I’d been recording my last mission. It was to find, disable, and then protect a ship. After dying over, and over, because the ship has (almost) impervious shields, it managed to bug itself into an asteroid. On the downside, it made shooting it really hard. On the upside, the thing sat still enough we could just pump damage in till it finally died. Bigger upside, we had to defend the thing for 3 minutes. Honestly, could’ve just flown away and ignored it, nothing would’ve been able to kill it in that time.
It’s free to play, so the grind is kinda expected. I just wish it had a better tutorial. On first starting the game, you’re thrust into a story led set of quests that ‘unlock’ stuff in your ship. It’s.. honestly boring as all hell. Tutorials are normally bad, but to be locked into one that’s just plain dull.. I stopped playing for 6 months till friends managed to drag me back in.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s fun, just can be downright dumb from time to time. The developers are constantly patching more stuff in, but don’t seem to be really helping with the grind. They’re also leaving old weapons and tools to rot, effectively, leaving them behind with other, better weapons.