Ideas from other websites
(if it’s your website, please let me know, i’ll attribute it)
Yep, date ideas. from other websites. Could do with a handy javascript selector – weather: sunny, wet, cold, commitment level: fun, dating, serious, love
# Check with your local museum for days when admission is free. Even if you pay, it’s still a relative bargain for an all day date.
# Enjoy free live music, share a cup of coffee, and browse new titles at your local bookstore.
# Go to the mall, not to shop but to people watch! Sit on a bench together and chat about the people you see. Try to figure out who they are and what they are shopping for.
# Volunteer for a cause you both believe in. Work at their events and attend for free – they get help and you get a free night out.
Grab a trash bag or a plastic tray and sleigh ride down a snowy hill. When you get to the bottom (or fall off your “sled”), roll around with each other in the snow.
Buy a membership or a season pass to an activity you both like (your local Y, nearby theme park, community theater, state parks pass). Use it as often as you like during season for some quality together time you will both enjoy. Once it’s paid for, the rest of your dates are “free.”
Make a couple of pans of brownies. Then drive to various friends’ houses and deliver a small plate of brownies to each friend and visit for a while. When it becomes too late to be visiting people, go home and finish off the brownies.
On a sunny Saturday morning, travel around the countryside and photograph special sites and serene scenery.
Go to a local animal shelter and play with the animals. Maybe you’ll find a new friend together!
Want to perform a unique deed for someone? Go to a self-serve gas station and do all the work for the surprised customers. Make sure to get permission from the gas station attendant first.
Go to a playground that’s not in use and play! Take along a picnic lunch, baseball, bat, Frisbee or outdoor toys (blowing bubbles is fun)? Have a great lunch after playtime.
Find your local comedy club and laugh yourselves silly.
Original ideas by Garreth (this list will grow!)
(hope she doesn’t see these till i’ve tried them it’d spoil the suprise!)
Get a travelcard and go on a journey on the tube! You can just go anywhere and people spot, and chat. Best to do it at a quiet time tho. Comments as to when quiet times are please
Get some plain mugs (woolworths 39p atm, get them quick!) and mug paint from an arts/crafts/stationary shop and paint the mug for each other.
Both of you collect small items over the week, for example rail cards, receipts pieces of paper, buisiness cards (and take photos of your week [disposable camera/maximum 5-10 shots]) tickets, then at the end of the week, give the items to your partner to look at one by one and talk about your week, including how you felt about your week. Good if you don’t get to see your partner as often as you’d like.
Goto Small local gigs
later on…bigger stuff like big gigs etc
Please comment and leave your own ideas and ideas you have tried!