Osomount bicycle handlebar smartphone mount
I want this bad lol
Is three performing a Man In The Middle SSL attack/proxy on my mobile hotspot?
Loading paypal:
Well hello NSA & GCHQ lol.
Funnily enough after searching Google for this issue and then retrying I don’t get some asshat trying to proxy my SSL connection. Or if they are they have a ‘genuine’ root certificate from a valid CA.
An explanation more beautiful than my words could ever be:
Giving Is The Best Communication – Thai Mobile Ad…: http://youtu.be/JPOVwKPMG8o
The World full of horrible injustices, life is cruel and unfair. Survival of the fittest is now survival of the richest.
And the worst thing?
It feels like you’re just too powerless, poor or insignificant against the size if it.
Starvation, Cancer, HIV, Natural disasters whatever.
Well the truth is there is something you can do to change the world.
And its cheap, and simple and should make someone smile.
Its called A Random Act Of Kindness or RAOK.
Just do one small thing to improve the life of a stranger.
See that a Girl sobbing? Go give her a tissue.
Give your elderly neighbour a Christmas card or invite him round for a cup of tea.
Hold the door open for someone.
Carry a lighter just in case someone asks for a light.
Give out free hugs (I did this once. It was hugely fun. I made sure I got all the people with the saddest expressions 😉 ).
Have a think. Be good to people, even if you don’t know them.
Leave a note that says ‘pass it on’
Now you may never know the difference that a small random act of kindness makes to that stranger. But this is not about fame or fortune, its about changing the world one small random act of kindness at a time.
My hot tip? Why just one RAOK?
Share the love.
And Dear stranger,
If you find this, pass it on, and have a brilliant week!
(I know my name is on here, but who I am doesn’t matter. Thank me by doing a RAOK and asking them to pass it on 😉 )
Just a super-quick post here.
If you’re looking for addons or plugins for Microsoft Outlook to help you organize your emails and extend the functionality of Outlook
(note Outlook is very extensible, as with all Microsoft Office applications you can write Visual Basic code for Applications to hook into it’s functions. Absaloutely fantastic for hacking excel as I have been doing for the last few weeks – my work needs to invest in a proper database program for sure *sigh*)
You’d do no better than looking here
They have addons that are useful – and unlike most of the sites on i’ve found so far – up to date and compatible with recent versions (2003+) of Outlook.
Hope this helps folks!
Well, I’ve now debugged a few issues with my scripts from my last post.
(made them a bit more fault tolerant and actually take notice of $? exit statuses) .
Recap: Temperhum (USB) -> Raspberry Pi -> Xively chart, now also
RFDuino (bluetooth wireless) -> Raspberry Pi -> Xively chart
Tip: If you’re struggling with the bluetooth on linux giving rx timeout errors (check the syslog if it’s not in the console),
update the software with the following commands:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade
The Rfduino has been sitting next to my usb Temperature and Humidity sensor for a few weeks collecting data.
Since it had been both collecting data for a few weeks and sending them to Xively / Pachube / Cosm, I had a quick look to see how closely the readings match.
The graphs do show correlation, thank goodness, but it looks like the RFDuino’s temperature scale isn’t right. The RFDuino is only updating the graph once a minute whereas the Temperhum is 2x a minute.
I didn’t really expect great accuracy for the RFduino thermometer seeing as it’s measuring from the chip. But this would still be useful in some more basic cases.
I think next on the roadmap for the RFduino is connecting sensors/remote controls (it would be cool to attach my RelaySockets to this and control the 2 connected relays via bluetooth from my Pi and Android smartphone!
My Humidity and Temperature sensor
A Temperhum from PCSensor.
A great little bit of kit – once you work out the conversion values for the C++ USB/i2c/HID code that lets linux talk to the thing!
I ordered this nifty ‘RFduino’, an arduino-compatible device which was also my first ever kickstarter purchase over a year ago now.
However, when the device arrived, the company behind it seemed exclusively interested in the iPhone handset to the detriment of all other platforms.
Personally, the lock in monopolistic attitude of Apple and its customers really gets my goat, but I digress.
The lack of support and that the device arrived half a year late left me with a sour first taste of Kickstarter.
Since then, I’ve played with the Rfduino using JT’s iGear (no, I don’t know why fell into the Apple pit either) using the only app available to use the sketch it comes with – the internal thermometer
But that’s rather limiting!! I bought this device with plans to build a Wireless ‘Internet of Things’ sensor network for my house.
I have designs on talking to every platform available using protocols such as mqtt, backends like rrdtool and web interfaces for my housemates to see and control the action.
This is something I’ve been dreaming and sketching out for years, because lets face it, who doesn’t think having the lights turn out when you leave is super cool?
So without further ado, how do we get the RFduino to talk to a linux machine, in my case a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian.
You will need
Power on the RFduino and linux machine. I used two Alkaline AA batteries to power the RFduino although Rechargeables do work.
Install the Bluetooth 4 usb adaptor on the linux machine
Install the necessary bluetooth programs:
sudo apt-get install bluetooth bluez bluez-utils bluez-firmware
(you may need to reboot the machine afterwards, I don’t believe I did)
Bring up the bluetooth interface:
sudo hciconfig hci0 up
Run a Low Energy scan to find the address of your RFduino:
sudo hcitool lescan
Should elicit results similar to this:
EA:BA:20:48:37:80 (unknown)
88:D8:CD:08:12:FA (unknown)
99:D8:CD:10:66:FA (unknown)
DD:AF:13:17:23:80 RFduinoSelect and copy the MAC address given for the RFduino on your system.
(I have no idea why you have to scan as root, someone please leave a comment if you do, and if theres a way to run as a normal user…groups?)
Read the temperature attribute from the RFduino using gatttool. Paste your devices MAC address in instead of mine of course.
sudo gatttool –device=DD:AF:13:17:23:80 –interactive
[ ][DD:AF:13:17:23:80][LE]>
[ ][DD:AF:13:17:23:80][LE]> connect
[CON][DD:AF:13:17:23:80]][LE]>char-read-uuid 2221
handle: 0x000e value: 00 00 a8 41 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[ ][DD:AF:13:17:23:80][LE]>quit
Now from that exchange with the RFduino, we have gained a long hexadecimal string.
From a post on the RFduino forum, I learned that the value we want is always after the ’00 00′ string (in bold above).
This is the temperature read from the RFduino’s internal sensor * 8.
So we need to convert this to Decimal and divide by eight to retrieve the temperature value in celsius (American readers, why aren’t you on SI units yet? :P).
Convert the hex value to decimal temperature
echo $decimal
The above method returns an integer value. This is because Bash has limitations working with numbers that are not whole (decimals).
Workarounds use the command bc to interpret string inputs as decimal numbers. I think there is a method to define variable types in bash, but I didn’t get very far with this.
My attitude is that once you start hitting the limitations of a shell scripting language, it’s time to migrate to a proper programming/interpreted language (at least python).
Spending hours and using multitudes of additional programs make it work is often pointless.
Just think, if you had to run the script on a embedded system without most of those commands, wouldn’t it just be better to do it in C++?
Now that I’ve successfully read the values being sent by the RFDuino I need to figure out how to automate the process – in non-interactive mode.
These commands do the same thing but respond differently
sudo gatttool -b [MAC] –char-read –handle=0x000e
Characteristic value/descriptor: 00 00 a8 41 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
sudo gatttool -b [MAC] –char-read –uuid=2221
handle: 0x000e value: 00 00 a8 41 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Simple bash script to read temperature in celsius (accuracy is lost here as the decimal is converted to an integer)
stringZ=$(gatttool -b [MAC] –char-read –handle=0x000e)
echo $decimal
don’t forget:
chmod +x [whatever you called the script]
and run it as root:
sudo [whatever you called the script]
I won’t pretend to understand the naming conventions of Bluetooth 4.0/LE.
I don’t! I spent a whole day looking into it and could not find a single source that easily explained the structure, naming, and profiles. If someone has seen something good, please post in the comments!
It’s frustratingly close, like I can see there is a neat logic to it, but I just don’t care to spend any more time trying to figure it out, when all I want to do is use it. This does make it slightly more hacky and less neat and quick of course, but that’s life!
gattool commands to read the sensor:
howto convert hex to decimal on the command line:
howto do calculations on the command line:
Hacked up way of using gatttool non-interactively, using ncurses and a python script:
Bash string manipulation:
Bash String Manipulation Examples – Length, Substring, Find and Replace
So I’m trying to find a decent android application to help me budget and figure out where my cash goes.
Requirements / what I want it to do:
Receipt scanner / photo of item bought
At least the ability to enter in the total for each receipt
Ability to OCR the scanned receipt to scrape information (again, at least the bill)
Ability to tag / categorise spends
So far I have Money Owl:
wave has the ability to scan and OCR read the totals from receipts . it does this via the cloud, so it does require a data connection. At present it is FREE for personal use.
Id definitely recommend this app. Most 21st century way of capturing where your money is going. Just what I was looking for!
Apparently, google drive has the ability to ‘scan’ receipts. I have to try this one out!
So I just noticed that our beep music post has become popular enough to have been reddited, and used as a source in a video!
So thanks for that guys and girls of the interwebs! I almost feel appreciated!
In recognition, I thought I’d list our referrers, and possibly some beep music. Maybe we can become a repository for this kind of stuff.
You can in fact make beep music on the raspberry Pi!
All you need is a Piezo thingy (transducer or beeper or whatever it’s called)
(Available from Maplin in the UK: 3v ceramic Piezo transducer only £1.29 as of 2/2/14!!)
Thanks to Kronalias (is that a linux reference there? `alias kron=’crontab’`)?
From the comments: running beep music on a 486!
Reminds me of this old beastie of JT’s:
Still working in 2014! I am in fact a IBM Thinkpad 380z with a PII processor, 64mb of ram, and most inexplicably a 40GB hard drive. I also have a very loud beeper which will hurt your ear if you are next to me when it goes off. Lucky i have a volume knob.
I will definetely try all the beep codes that have been submitted in the comments so far on this awesome machine, and I promise to make a video of it if I get three more beep-songs to add to our beep music tracks. (I might even make an Album…on tape cassette [if i can find one haha], or maybe just put it onto a floppy disk if and mail it to you guys [if i can find one that works ROTFL])
It must be true if there’s a screencap of it!
I can’t be figged to give you that link or clip an image, so here’s a link to another source posted.
Ubuntuforums: What is your favourite ‘beep’ song?
I have no idea what he’s playing as my laptop speakers are bust! I can’t be held responsible it’s rude, honest!
Musik mit BEEP (Linux) from davidak on Vimeo.
Credit to ? Øyvind Hvidsten at Bolt Blog for his post – fun with beep
He has both the Axel Foley theme tune (listed below) and also Beethoven’s Für Elise.
beep -f 659 -l 460 -n -f 784 -l 340 -n -f 659 -l 230 -n -f 659 -l 110 -n -f 880 -l 230 -n -f 659 -l 230 -n -f 587 -l 230 -n -f 659 -l 460 -n -f 988 -l 340 -n -f 659 -l 230 -n -f 659 -l 110 -n -f 1047-l 230 -n -f 988 -l 230 -n -f 784 -l 230 -n -f 659 -l 230 -n -f 988 -l 230 -n -f 1318 -l 230 -n -f 659 -l 110 -n -f 587 -l 230 -n -f 587 -l 110 -n -f 494 -l 230 -n -f 740 -l 230 -n -f 659 -l 460
(I have no idea how that passed the spam filter, but I’m glad it did).
He submitted the following, including note frequencies – now I can translate any song!!!
Maybe I’ll write a bash script to automatically do that given the notes interactively.
#Note Frequency
beep -f $G -l 250
beep -f $G -l 500
beep -f $G -l 250
beep -f $G -l 250
beep -f $A1 -l 250
beep -f $C -l 250
beep -f $G -l 250
beep -f $G -l 250
beep -f $G -l 250
beep -f $G -l 250
beep -f $F -l 250
beep -f $F1 -l 250
beep -f $G -l 500
beep -f 10 -l 500
beep -f $G -l 250
beep -f $G -l 500
beep -f $G -l 250
beep -f $G -l 250
beep -f $A1 -l 250
beep -f $C -l 250
beep -f $G -l 250
beep -f $G -l 250
beep -f $G -l 250
beep -f $G -l 250
beep -f $F -l 250
beep -f $F1 -l 250
beep -f $G -l 500
beep -f 10 -l 500
I couldn’t find Chop Suey in beep music, but with the work done in #3, it shouldn’t be too hard to translate!
Next time I’ll have to compose something entirely new!!
My friends Pi, after repairs to the sd card holder.
[purple means updated on Sunday Feb 2nd 2014]
My pi in its latest incarnation:
The other day a good friend and fellow geek of mine acquaintance was reminding me that it’s not possible to do everything we want to do, and actually harmful to try and shoehorn everything in. Someone told him this, and he passed it along.
It got me thinking (and googling – what doesn’t these days?)
Are you a Perfectionist? Do you find yourself telling yourself this: ‘I can’t relax till i get it all done’?
If so we are kindred spirits!
Anyway, here’s all the projects that I’d like to complete:
Pressure sensor:
i2c LCD Screen:
RFM12b 433mhz wireless transceiver module:
Streaming Music Server – Plug and play, wireless capable – Using Squeezebox/LogitechMediaServer
Remit: To be able to rock up somewhere, plug in power, and then play music wirelessly from my collection
(Extra: stream from the internet if connection available)
It wouldn’t boot over the network bridge. It talked to mvprelay using UDP; tftpd-hpa gave ‘ACK connection refused, could not read’ weird errors when it tried to download the files.
My laptop however could suck the files up no problem. Weirdness!
Todo: investigate settings on Bridge AP looking at what happens to BC packets. And also check DHCP relay settings.
I think they might be flooding the network somewhat.
I can’t do it all………………….
at least not all today!
Actually, part of me likes it going slowly (certainly a surprise to the rest of me!). Time to mull things over, make decisions, come up with sketched designs and sometimes even pseudocode/real code.
Seems to have it’s advantages not trying to do everything right now at least haha.
On that note, bed time! [ 2:03 am this time]