
Geek, Bookworm. I’m a 30s dude living in Staffordshire, working for an indie games studio.

“Kirrus” is an example of my varied online pseudonyms and not my real name. To contact me, send an email to kirrus@kirrus.co.uk.

My brother, Garreth, also sometimes posts through this blog. To contact him, email me.

One thought on “About

  1. Keepbro

    Hi Kirrus

    I was wondering if you could help me with a small problem and people (Connall) have said that you are the man to ask. I was wondering if I could arrange a short time to have a quick word with you as Im looking for someone with particular skills for a really cool kickass project. Ill give you the exact details but its a classic awesome-project-that-wont-pay-shit-unless-it-works kinda project. I will be able to provide pizza and beer money as well as business shares but those at the moment arent worth shit so its really for beer and pizza money. I know I probably havent exactly sold this in the last few sentences but rest assured it IS an idea which is gaming related, profitable and also kinda fun so I would love to be able to pick your brain and tell you all about it and find out if you could help me with it.

    Please let me know a good time to skype chat or if you prefer I can be on the PZ chat thingy as well

    Yours sincerely

    Louis “Keepbro” Keep

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