I’m trying to create a script to allow me to command a remote server to download a file from firefox.
There are various reasons for this, mainly todo with connection speed.
What I have at the moment is:
terminator -x ssh user@site.com wget -qc -t 3 -o ~/wget_testlog ftp://anothersite.com/file.ext \\& \& &
I want it to kick off, ask for a password to login via ssh and then go away…
I would like to be able to set the location for the download to ~/www/files/
I was planning to place this script in /usr/bin and install it in firefox using the code/link provided on this blog: Wget from firefox
Can anyone complete my solution with the correct syntax, or provide a better solution (preferably KISS)?
I’m more of hacker than an expert IMO and I know when I’m out of my depth!
flashgot addon for firefox can be used to customise the download executable…: