Hi all, if you’ve just upgraded mosquitto server on some flavour of linux and wondered why all your mosquitto subscribers and publishers on your network have just started failing, you may have fallen foul of this:
the new mosquitto 2.0 requires a ‘listener’ be configured to the ports required, or else it will only listen to the localhost:1883.
So if all your clients start failing after, edit the configuation and add the following line to the top:
“listener 1883”
See the post here for more information: https://mosquitto.org/documentation/migrating-to-2-0/
Migraine – Drink more water
Going crazy – Save money spent on psychiatrist – Once you have a money pile spend it on something to chear yourself up! (crazy car – boat to go fishing in – new crazy computer etc
Being miserable – Watch loads of early 2000 teeny movies like Eurotrip and not another teen movie – Roadtrip – Old skool etc Guaranteed to cheer you up!
Not going to work because of migraine – Why are you even going to work? I thought IT was something you could do at home anyway?
And in answer to your question I’m very well thankyou