Monthly Archives: September 2011

London wander 2011 photos #1

I’ve finally downloaded all the photos I took whilst wanding around london for half a day. The majority are rubbish, but a few are quite interesting.

Let’s start with a couple of street scenes. I’ll hopefully post some more sooner or later 🙂

Street scene, laptop, pub, walking

Just need to finish this...

Please don't ticket me! Man, I really hate wardens. I only stopped for a minute to get an ice cream!

Eaccelerator mirror / downloads

Eaccelerator is insanely useful in my line of work. However, their main downloads are down right now, so I’m mirroring the latest version here:

You can see the files sha1sums here:

Alternatively, if you’re scripting (we are), you can use the following to get my (‘up-to-date’) version:

bz2.. because that’s the version we use here 😉