Three Mobile Hotspot MITM Attack?


Is three performing a Man In The Middle SSL attack/proxy on my mobile hotspot?

Loading paypal:


Well hello NSA & GCHQ lol.

Funnily enough after searching Google for this issue and then retrying I don’t get some asshat trying to proxy my SSL connection. Or if they are they have a ‘genuine’ root certificate from a valid CA.

In response to UKIP gloating on facebook..


So, this popped up via my town’s facebook group. I couldn’t resist responding. If you’re curious, here’s the wikipedia page on the Indian mars probe.

My response to this, and the assorted “Yeah!”, “We should give them nothing” etc, I responded as follows;

Do you understand what an amazing achievement that was? The normal cost of any western probe to Mars? Hell, I’d gladly pay more tax I can’t afford to for that stunning gem.
It was, and still is absolutely incredible they did it for so little, and with
so little. It’s giving them a reason to strive, to push for something different, for knowledge and understanding and plain old new technology. You know, just that thing humanity must get more of quickly, or watch our world burn from a fire of our own making. We fail, we get to watch our grandchildren or our great grandchildren die. All of them.

I probably shouldn’t have, and hyperbole just a bit on the All Die prediction, but eh, we do nothing about oil running out & climate change, we’re probably all screwed. We’re still probably all screwed anyway, but..

I wonder if this has anything to do with the slow-motion civilization collapse depicted in my current read, Ready Player One?


After Death (mind-dump thoughts on digital death)

So, here’s something that’s been coming to mind of late, especially with the recent death of Leonard Nimoy.

Our digital lives varnish after our death. Oh, don’t get me wrong, they’ll last a little longer than our deaths — the server this blog is hosted on for example will stay running. However, it won’t get maintained, that’s what I do, so over time it’ll get hacked, or will break. My brother might take over maintaining it for a while, but in the end, the words and thoughts stored here (some hidden from public view) will vanish. is great, it’ll keep a copy of these words for posterity.. but who’ll ever read them?

I’m not sure if I’m morbid at the moment, or it’s just depression talking, but this all feels so.. transient. These words won’t have the lasting power of those stored on a book, in the end they’re stored on media that’ll die a lot faster than a book degrades, stored correctly. Not to mention, they’re stored in a particularly complex format, that isn’t human readable in any way without the right filter and conversions.

I guess, this is really just underlining the importance of and their ilk. Not that I suppose anyone’ll care about what’s stored here.. much as the most read post here is my brother’s posts on linux beep music 😉

Project Teaser


Heres a little something that has come about from a related project I have built (and need to test)

Maybe I’ll write up both projects together!

Relevant hashtags #RaspberryPi #HTML5  #WS2812b

Low Carb Hot Chocolate

One of my bosses sent me this, his favourite easy recipe for a nice hot chocolate style drink. Saving it here so I remember to do it..

Half a tin of coconut milk in a saucepan.
Stir in as much cocoa as you want, and chunks of chocolate too, if you like it thick.
Add some xylitol to sweeten.
Pour into a mug.
Thick, astonishingly satisfying and good for you.

(Obviously, only pour into a mug once all the cocoa has mixed and chocolate melted – I use a whisk, and add a capful of vanilla essence too).


An explanation more beautiful than my words could ever be:
Giving Is The Best Communication – Thai Mobile Ad…:

The World full of horrible injustices, life is cruel and unfair. Survival of the fittest is now survival of the richest.

And the worst thing?
It feels like you’re just too powerless, poor or insignificant against the size if it.

Starvation, Cancer, HIV, Natural disasters whatever.

Well the truth is there is something you can do to change the world.

And its cheap, and simple and should make someone smile.

Its called A Random Act Of Kindness or RAOK.

Just do one small thing to improve the life of a stranger.
See that a Girl sobbing? Go give her a tissue.
Give your elderly neighbour a Christmas card or invite him round for a cup of tea.
Hold the door open for someone.
Carry a lighter just in case someone asks for a light.
Give out free hugs (I did this once. It was hugely fun. I made sure I got all the people with the saddest expressions 😉 ).

Have a think. Be good to people, even if you don’t know them.

Leave a note that says ‘pass it on’

Now you may never know the difference that a small random act of kindness makes to that stranger. But this is not about fame or fortune, its about changing the world one small random act of kindness at a time.

My hot tip? Why just one RAOK?

Share the love.

And Dear stranger,
If you find this, pass it on, and have a brilliant week!
(I know my name is on here, but who I am doesn’t matter. Thank me by doing a RAOK and asking them to pass it on 😉 )

WordPress Cookie names

Here’s a list of cookies WordPress sets when you log in. Because I can’t find this list anywhere on the net and I need it.

wp-postpassUsed to allow access to password-protected posts
wp-forgotUsed during password resets
wordpress_[HASH]Admin panel auth cookie
wp-settings-3Settings cookiewp-settings-time-3 — settings cookie
wordpress_test_cookiecookie used to test that wp can set cookies. Honestly guys, really?
wordpress_logged_inAnother Auth cookie

Just a super-quick post here.

If you’re looking for addons or plugins for Microsoft Outlook to help you organize your emails and extend the functionality of Outlook

(note Outlook is very extensible, as with all Microsoft Office applications you can write Visual Basic code for Applications to hook into it’s functions. Absaloutely fantastic for hacking excel as I have been doing for the last few weeks – my work needs to invest in a proper database program for sure *sigh*)

You’d do no better than looking here

Snapfiles Outlook Add-ons


They have addons that are useful – and unlike most of the sites on i’ve found so far – up to date and compatible with recent versions (2003+) of Outlook.

Hope this helps folks!


Rfduino Chip vs Thermometer

Well, I’ve now debugged a few issues with my scripts from my last post.
(made them a bit more fault tolerant and actually take notice of $? exit statuses) .
Recap: Temperhum (USB) -> Raspberry Pi -> Xively chart, now also
RFDuino (bluetooth wireless) -> Raspberry Pi -> Xively chart

Tip:  If you’re struggling with the bluetooth on linux giving rx timeout errors (check the syslog if it’s not in the console),
update the software with the following commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

The Rfduino has been sitting next to my usb Temperature and Humidity sensor for a few weeks collecting data.


RFDuino and Temperhum

Since it had been both collecting data for a few weeks and sending them to Xively / Pachube / Cosm, I had a quick look to see how closely the readings match.

Rfduino vs thermometerr

The graphs do show correlation, thank goodness, but it looks like the RFDuino’s temperature scale isn’t right. The RFDuino is only updating the graph once a minute whereas the Temperhum is 2x a minute.

I didn’t really expect great accuracy for the RFduino thermometer seeing as it’s measuring from the chip. But this would still be useful in some more basic cases.

I think next on the roadmap for the RFduino is connecting sensors/remote controls (it would be cool to attach my RelaySockets to this and control the 2 connected relays via bluetooth from my Pi and Android smartphone!


My Humidity and Temperature sensor

A Temperhum from PCSensor.

A great little bit of kit – once you work out the conversion values for the C++ USB/i2c/HID code that lets linux talk to the thing!